Study in Canada Scholarships 2021/2022 for Post-Secondary International Students

The Study in Canada Scholarships program provides students from post-secondary institutions located in the new eligible countries/territories with short-term exchange opportunities for study or research in Canadian post-secondary institutions at the college, undergraduate and graduate levels.

Application Deadline: 30th March 2021

About the Award: The Study in Canada Scholarships program is facilitated through institutional collaborations and student exchange agreements between post-secondary institutions in Canada and in the following eligible countries/territories: Algeria, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kenya, Libya, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Taiwan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, and Ukraine. These agreements are created between colleges, technical or vocational institutes and universities. Students, hereby referred to as “candidates”, must be registered as full-time students in their home institution at the time of application and during the entire duration of their study or research stay in Canada.

Type: Secondary, Undergraduate, Masters

Eligibility: Candidates must be citizens of one of the following eligible countries/territories:

  • Asia: Bangladesh, Nepal, Taiwan
  • Europe: Turkey, Ukraine
  • Middle East and North Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia
  • Sub-Saharan Africa: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda


  • must be enrolled as full-time students at post-secondary institutions in the eligible countries/territories and paying any tuition fees required by these institutions at the time of application and for the full duration of the exchange;
  • who hold Canadian citizenship or permanent residency, or who have a pending application for permanent residency in Canada are not eligible;
  • already participating in an exchange scholarship program funded by the Government of Canada are not eligible; and
  • already enrolled in a program at a Canadian post-secondary institution are not eligible.

Terms and conditions

The following terms and conditions must be met during the period of the scholarship.

The Canadian post-secondary institution must:

  • be a Designated Learning Institution (DLI);
  • waive tuition and/or administrative fees for scholarship recipients, as selected students must be registered full-time and paying tuition to their home institution;
  • inform both the candidate and their home institution of any mandatory fees that, in exceptional cases, cannot be waived, prior to applying for a scholarship on the candidate’s behalf;
  • enter into an agreement with the recipient stating that:
    • funding for the scholarship is provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD);
    • the recipient must provide the Canadian institution with records to account for major expenses such as travel and lodging; and
    • the recipient agrees to have their contact information shared with DFATD, for reasons such as: to be invited to join the Government of Canada Scholars’ Alumni Association (GCSAA), to attend events organized by the Canadian Embassy, High Commission or Canadian Trade Office in their home country/territory and by DFATD in Canada, or for promotional and statistical purposes; and
  • submit qualitative and quantitative reports during the scholarship period.

Scholarship recipients:

  • must engage in full-time studies or research as defined by the Canadian institution;
  • must be proficient in the language of instruction at the Canadian institution (English or French) before their arrival in Canada, as the scholarship does not cover language training. Language requirements are set by each Canadian institution;
  • may not hold any other scholarship granted by the Government of Canada;
  • carrying out a semester-based study exchange must arrive in Canada by September for the fall semester or by January for the winter semester;
  • conducting research must arrive in Canada for the uptake of their award between June 1, 2021 but no later than February 1, 2022. Failure to arrive during this time may result in the cancellation of the scholarship. In exceptional cases, and with prior approval from DFATD, the arrival deadline may be extended to March 1, 2022;
  • enrolled in pharmacy, medicine, dentistry or other health fields are excluded from clinical training or clinically-oriented research involving direct patient-care;
  • must ensure that they have appropriate health insurance for the full duration of the scholarship, as per the policies of the Canadian institution;
  • must focus primarily on full-time studies or research during their stay in Canada; and
  • are expected to return to their home institutions after the scholarship period in order to complete their studies.

Eligible Countries: See Eligibility (above)

To be Taken at (Country): Canada

Number of Awards: At least 50

Value of Award: The Canadian institution will receive funding from DFATD for all successful candidates in the form of a contribution agreement and will be responsible for providing the funds to scholarship recipients.

The scholarship value varies depending on the duration of studies:

  • CAD 10,200  for college, undergraduate or graduate students (Master’s and PhD) for a minimum of four months or one academic term of study or research; or
  • CAD 12,700 for graduate students (Master’s and PhD) for a period of five to six months of study or research.

In addition to the funds allocated to the recipients by DFATD, the Canadian host institution may also claim CAD 500 per scholarship recipient to assist with administrative costs once the scholarship recipient arrives in Canada.

Eligible expenses: Canadian institutions will disburse scholarship funds to the scholarship recipient to contribute to the following costs:

  • visa or study/work permit fees;
  • airfare, for the scholarship recipient only, to travel to Canada by the most direct and economical route and return airfare upon completion of the scholarship;
  • health insurance;
  • living expenses, such as accommodation, utilities and food;
  • ground public transportation, including a public transportation pass; and
  • books and supplies required for the recipient’s study or research, excluding computers and other equipment.

How to Apply: Only Canadian institutions can submit applications on behalf of candidates. They may choose to set their own internal deadline to receive supporting documents.

  • It is important to go through all application requirements in the Award Webpage (see Link below) before applying.

Visit Award Webpage for Details

Important Notes:

  • Applications at the college or undergraduate levels must be accompanied by a valid student exchange agreement between the Canadian institution and the candidate’s home institution. The agreement must state that tuition fees are waived for scholarship recipients. College or undergraduate applications for research traineeships or internships at Canadian institutions with no exchange agreements or MOUs with the candidates’ home institutions are also accepted. Such applications must be accompanied by a letter issued by the Canadian institution’s international office or equivalent, linking the application to a specific international research collaboration, naming the Canadian supervisor who has agreed to mentor the student during the scholarship period, and confirming that tuition fees, if any, will be waived for the recipient. Such a letter must be uploaded in lieu of an inter-institutional agreement.
  • For graduate applications, an inter-institutional agreement is desirable but not mandatory. If there is no existing exchange agreement, graduate applications which involve a new or established collaboration between professors from a Canadian institution and the candidate’s home institution will be accepted.
  • Applications submitted directly by a candidate or their home institution will not be accepted.
  • Scholarships cannot be deferred and are not renewable.
  • Scholarships are not taxable for either the Canadian institution or the scholarship recipient.

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